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Saturday, 19 November 2011

Wall humidity ?

They seek the solution for damp walls, damp basement?
Wall humidity?
Which solution is right?

Baubiologe reveals how moisture
should really clean up in walls and basements:

Independent, expert advice
Cause analysis on site for only 149, - flat
in the Cologne (50km)

Wall drying damp walls and cellars - and true!

You are correct here, if you live in an older house, buy or want to have
and can be seen there with one of the following problems:

Interior walls in the basement or ground floor

It is shown discolouration.
Loose wallpaper, especially in the lower portion of the wall
The interior plaster does not, it sounds hollow in places.
Salts ("saltpeter") bloom from the walls.
Possibly. addition of mold in the lower part of the wall.

Cellar / basement walls

It smells musty.
The walls are damp or wet.
Salts ("saltpeter") bloom from the walls,
Stored goods moldy, or mildew sets in (clothes, books, shoes)

Facade up to 2m height

It is shown discolouration. (Example photo)
The color does not last and it must therefore
approximately every 2 - 5 years will be repainted. (Example photo)
There are bubbles in the paint / plaster. (Example photo)
Salts ("saltpeter") bloom on the walls (for example, as a white fluff).
The facade at times sounds hollow when you tap it.

You most likely have to contend with too much moisture in the masonry, due
rising soil moisture and / or laterally penetrating soil moisture.

What you should know about damp walls and the various methods for drying walls.

- But who appointed me, exactly?
- How do I get these problems permanently in the grip?
- Which is best for me and yet cost effective solution?
- Who will help me to make me right / right decision?

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Cause of wall moisture

Where exactly is the cause of moisture?

It is not just damp walls. In "Properties" is rising soil moisture is the most common cause of moisture. Some symptoms I have enumerated above. But there are other causes of damp walls.

The moisture analysis and consultation is important for you to escape a bad investment, to save much money, so you can save your nerves and do not make too much work!

Only when we know exactly the cause, I can recommend the best solution for you and can do the right thing, however. When I go is, you know what going on: According to the motto.

Usually from "experts" 300, - €, often much more charged for this service. Here you get them to günsitgen flat rate of only 149, - € within a radius of 50km from Cologne - no hidden additional costs!

Take my recall: As your local field, I will call you back within the next few days - so you are no costs associated.