Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Febreeze is a necessity for all homes, no matter where you live. Its useful for all fabrics in the household, such as couches, curtains, clothing, towels, carpet, and so much more! Have a dog dirtying you home? Spray everywhere she's been, even if she's doo-dooed on the floor, clean it up and spray some of this.
Febreeze has made an amazing accomplishment with this simple spray, it freshens homes like no other! Nothing can compare to the sweet smell given off. When you are trying to impress some visitors or family relatives, trust me, this will help do the trick. Nothing beats walking into a wonderful smelling home. It works for a great first impression. Overall, this product has worked wonders for me and I bet it'll work for you too.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Febreze Air Effects 9.7 oz (275 g)
Product Description:
With Clenzaire - unique odor eliminator.
Eliminates odors and freshens.
Febreze Air Effects is like a breath of fresh air any time because it actually sweeps away those stale and stifling odors and leaves a fresh scent.
Contains no CFC's which deplete the Ozone
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