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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Rubbermaid(R) Roller Sponge Mop Review

Rubbermaid(R) Roller Sponge Mop
Average Reviews:

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I have searched for this mop for years after buying two "As seen on TV".The amazing sponge material leaves your floor dry almost instantly.

I have a highly reflective white porcelain tile floor, very tricky to keep clean.I've used some floor cleaners that left a glue-like coating on the floor that kills the shine and had to be scraped up with a razor blade.My solution:Windex; all shine and no residue.

But back to the mop:I use it a LOT always with perfect results.. no fuss, no drips, no floors to wait to dry and very few streaks.I bought 2 mops and 2 refills.The sponge tends to shrink over many years.

Now the 1-star flaw and solution.The mop (as did my originals) have a problem with the handle collapsing.There's a tightener on the handle, but it's not designed with mopping pressures in mind.The simple solution:What is known as a C-Clamp available in the garden hose section of your home improvement store.It's a perforated metal tape that has a screw-like mechanism on one end.(It's used on hose-end replacements, but available separately.)You just need a small one for this diameter mop.

Attach the C-Clamp just below the "join" of the handle.Tighten with a screwdriver, and you're set for life!

This mop is so easy to use, you may take up mopping as a hobby!

P.S.Always let the mop soak for a few minutes before using as the instruction on the mop indicates.Otherwise, you may damage the rinsing mechanism.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Rubbermaid(R) Roller Sponge Mop

Product Description:
Steel Roller Sponge MopsType: 12 In. Steel Sponge Roller MopHead Width: 12Material: Cellulose

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