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Friday, 18 February 2011

ZeroOdor Molecular Odor Eliminator - 8 oz. Review

ZeroOdor Molecular Odor Eliminator - 8 oz.
Average Reviews:

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One of my cats accidentally peed outside of the litter box. the urine went thru the carpet down to the pad and i was unable to lift the carpet because of heavy furniture nearby that could not be moved.I tried several other pet urine remover products that seemed to work, initially, then once the product dried, the urine smell returned. I even used my spot cleaning machine with water and vacuum powder. still didn't work. I read about this article in a feline newsletter i subscribe to and thought i'd give it a try. I sprayed the entire are completely and let it dry for a few days.Smell seemed to be gone, but i still thought i smelled a tiny bit. I sprayed the entire area again and after it dried, i can't detect any urine smell, even if i put my nose right down to the floor!Highly recommend this product!!!!

Click Here to see more reviews about: ZeroOdor Molecular Odor Eliminator - 8 oz.

Product Description:
8 OZ, Zero Odor, Molecular Odor Eliminator, Spray.

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