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Sunday, 24 April 2011

Household Essentials H-150 30-Line Outdoor Parallel-Style Clothes Dryer with Steel Arms Review

Household Essentials H-150 30-Line Outdoor Parallel-Style Clothes Dryer with Steel Arms
Average Reviews:

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Saves on the electric bill!!Big time! Holds more clothes than I thought. Only complaint is that the string stretches out and has to be pulled and retied.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Household Essentials H-150 30-Line Outdoor Parallel-Style Clothes Dryer with Steel Arms

Product Description:
The benefits of air drying clothes are many--fabrics last longer, energy bills run lower, and clothes and sheets naturally smell better when hung outside--not to mention the health benefits of spending a few minutes outdoors in the sunshine. This eco-friendly parallel-style clothes dryer features 30 vinyl-coated lines that provide 182 feet of linear drying space. All the drying lines come pre-strung and ready to use. The unit offers durable construction with steel arms, a high-impact plastic post cap and slide, and a two-piece post made from corrosion-resistant galvanized steel. A plastic ground sleeve anchors the post into the ground, and the arms can be folded down for compact storage when not in use. The clothes dryer measures 72 by 72 by 72 inches.

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