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Friday, 13 May 2011


This report is a summary of the seminars take place on osmosis and Supplementary find its expression.

Osmosis - a bugbear of the GRP-modern era?

Absolutely not!

Just like the disease of cancer is no appearance of the 20 Century, nor is a GRP osmosis disease in recent years.

Two notes are intended to confirm this.

1) The following excerpt from the lexicon of the Bertelsmann publishing company from 1964, almost 30 years ago:

"Osmosis (grch.), the passage migration of fluid due to - diffusion through a semi-permeable (semipermeable) partition (diaphragm: for example, unglazed clay, parchment paper), which separates two fluids (or) solutions of different concentrations) and only for a liquid (or a solvent: but not for the solute). pervious example, found in sugar water and pure water diffusion to the concentrated solution to take place (one-sided above), and consequently there the amount of liquid thus takes too long, until the resulting hydrostat. pressure to the osmotic pressure (positive pressure that is caused by the diffusing liquid) equilibrium receives. This pressure can with the help of the so-called "pepper's cell" are measured. the above is for the metabolic processes of great importance, because the outer layers of many plant and animal cells represent semi-permeable membranes. "(End of excerpt)

2) The period referred to in reference to the "Pfeffersche cell" as an assessment tool for measuring the osmotic pressure by Wilhelm Pfeffer (1845-1920) in the 19 A century.

The following will now be attempting to discuss in the simplest possible explanations osmosis and its emergence as well as a successful preventive treatment.

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