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Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Scratch-B-Gone Stainless Steel Scratch Repair Kit Review

Scratch-B-Gone Stainless Steel Scratch Repair Kit
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I have a built-in 48" KitchenAid refrigerator that had some buff mark type scratches accross it that I thought I would have to live with. Then someone took a green pad or other abrasive to my K.A.cooktop that made terrible scratches. So I ordered the Scratch-B-Gone to try to get the scratches out of the cooktop. I figured that I couldn't mess it up much more than it was and it was in a lot less visible location than the refrigerator scratches. After viewing the "how to" video I worked on the cooktop. The results were incredible. The S-B-G product did exactly like what was illustrated in the video. The grey pad exactly matched the original scratch finish put on by KitchenAid. With that success and a little trepidation I started on the refrigerator scratches using only the grey pad and lubricant. The area I did took out all the scratches and blended in great with the original finish. Just remember to always go in the direction of the original grain, pick up the pad when moving to another location. All you're really trying to do is replace the original scratch grain as close as possible and this product does that.

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Product Description:
Perfect to repair scratches on just about any major home appliance.

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