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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Mr. Clean Magic Reach Scrubbing Tub and Shower Pads , 8 refill pads Review

Mr. Clean Magic Reach Scrubbing Tub and Shower Pads , 8 refill pads
Average Reviews:

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Normally I really don't care for cleaning wipes or scented anything.I used unscented almost everything.These scrubbing pads are not only durable and full of soap, they smell very nice as well.They do not have an overwhelming scent of perfume, but a nice clean scent that I feel good about when I am done cleaning with.There is enough soap in these scrubbers that my sister told me she can do both of her bathrooms with one scrubber with one pad.I only have one bathroom so I have to take her word for it.She is cheap when it comes to things like that so if she is impressed it has to be great.We'll put that up as a two thumbs way up for these.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Mr. Clean Magic Reach Scrubbing Tub and Shower Pads , 8 refill pads

Product Description:
Water-activated foaming pads easily clean tubs and showers. Versatile Usage: Clean shower walls. Clean tub. Clean shower door. Clean faucets. Scrub extra dirty surfaces. Contains no phosphate. Made in USA.

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