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Sunday, 12 June 2011

Your moisture problem

They just "snip" and away is your moisture problem!
Oh, that would be nice, huh? Quite so simple it's not, but often much easier than it is in the three offers on your table. And who knows which of these offers is pure quackery and the drenched customer has chosen as a convenient "Dry is a" victim, which is the case then only for the wallet? None? All of them? So it goes here. And you, right?

Each house - not only the ammonia-soaked barn wall full of saltpeter / Mauersalpeter / wall grazing / calcium nitrate - has somewhere a damp, salzbröseliges, salpeterverpusteltes, ausblüheffloreszierendes, naßschuppiges or fungus-infected fruit-body-schimmelschwammiges corner, right? In the vaulted basement (either vault or Prussian or Bohemian vaulted ceiling, barn arch or vault), the one with concrete floor, concrete ceiling, wood beams, steel beams or ceiling Hourdis covered basement, at the base of the basement or ground floor and also on some interior walls made ​​of stone, brick, brick masonry or even half-timbered walls, you know that - and down the country - damp masonry walls and moisture - or with - how good it used to craft custom - even without a moisture barrier, just as desired.

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